Safety Has To Be A Priority No Matter Where Employees Are
At The Job Site, Home Or At Play!
We have taken popular keynote talks that Martin has delivered across North America to organizations such as NASA, Lougheed Martin, USA National Guard and Exxon and broken them down into short video segments that will make it easy to use in your safety meetings and to share with your employees.
Let us provide the content you need to kick off your safety meeting!
You get FULL ACCESS to every digital item with your subscription. There are videos, articles and eBooks that provide the content you need to kick off a safety meeting or provide a weekly email/video to ensure safety stays top of mind with your employees, contractors and their families.
150+ videos - includes ALL content
Multi Site Licenses Available*
Keynote Safety Videos (20)
Micro Learning Videos (52)
Remote Worker / Home Safety Videos (17)
Safety eBooks (8)
Safety Articles (117)
Wilderness Videos (18)
Safety Moments Videos (20+)
BONUS Safety Videos (5+)
* Site license fees apply | Billed in United States Dollars